
 Self Love

Be unabashedly and unapologetically YOU every single day. That is Self Love. – – Bianca Kooi

Being connected with who you are is a practice of Self Love. This will look different for each person. While Self Love and Self Care go hand-in-hand, they are separate from each other. You must have Self Care in order to have Self Love, but you can practice Self Care without having Self Love. Use Self Care in a way to connect to Self Love, to deepen and enhance it.

Part of the Self Love journey is identifying and sorting through who you are, what brings you joy, and what sparks emotion in you. Another part of that journey is holding on to that information and living it every single day.

Wearing clothing that makes you feel good is Self Love. Aside from Self Care practices, other things to help you connect and love yourself are:

  • Dream of your ideal future…dream of Your Perfect Day.
  • Repeat affirmations to yourself daily.
  • Use essential oils with intentions to release negativity and welcome in Self Care and Self Love.
  • The Feelings kit and the Freedom Sleep & Release kits from Young Living are extremely beneficial emotional protocols that bring you closer to Self Love.
  • Read books or listen to podcasts that expand your mind, and then take time to reflect on how they make you feel, and what they make you think.

Some of my favorite books related to Self Love and personal belief systems are The ABCs of Self Love by Melody Godfred, You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero, and Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis.

“Self esteem doesn’t come simply from dressing well, but they are both something we can control. It’s a missed opportunity when women say they don’t have the money, figure, etc., because style is such a way to help cultivate the way women feel about themselves.” Stacy London

Wearing clothes you LOVE, and rocking hair that you LOVE with a pair of earrings that you LOVE is an essential component of loving yourself and caring for yourself.

  • How can you feel good if you don’t take care of yourself?
  • How can you feel like a badass if your underwear or socks have holes? 
  • Who doesn’t love a good pair of leggings to hold in your tummy while still having the flexibility to eat an entire charcuterie board? But is your entire wardrobe leggings? Do you wear them every single day? 
  • Did you know: Bras are not supposed to be uncomfortable! Because bra size fluctuates with hormonal changes, seasons, and more, you should get fitted for a bra at least once a year, preferably every 6 months. If the favorite part of your day is taking off your bra, it’s the wrong bra for you!
  • What does it do for your day to start it off by putting on an ill-fitting, stretched out, or otherwise uncomfortable bra?

Expressing yourself with your clothes, makeup and accessories is a form of embracing Self Care and who you are.

Self Care can be as simple as taking a few minutes caring for your skin with a simple routine that leaves you feeling refreshed and glowing. Self Care can also take the form of a shopping trip or a day at The Spa. Putting on makeup can be a form of Self Care. Taking some time to determine your correct bra size is Self Care.

Consider these important statistics:

  • 10% of women are depressed when they open their closet.
  • 40% say they don’t like any of their clothes.
  • 47% of women struggle to pick out their outfit before going to work, causing 1 in 9 women to be late because they couldn’t find anything suitable to wear.
  • 25% of women feel their closet is “completely disorganized” and the vast majority will either buy new clothes or take clothes out of the hamper/laundry basket rather than deal with their closet.

Do you identify with any of these statements? Would you like to flip the story around and be excited to open your closet and get dressed every day? Would you like to feel good about what’s in your closet and on your body?

The best part? You don’t have to wait anymore! Whatever your budget, whatever your location, I can either arm you with strategies OR enter your closet myself (virtually or in-person) and set you on the right path to the closet of your dreams. Book an assessment with me to determine your needs, and what strategies will work best for you!

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Empowered Living with Bianca